Friday, December 4, 2015

Fishin in the toliet

Dear Friends, Family, and Readers,
My goal is to get better at blogging on a regular basis, but since so much has been going on my life the blog has been not my top priority. I have had so many experiences, thoughts, and emotions as I have been transitioning into having two children and now my maternity leave is over. During maternity leave I made sure to use the time to be with my children 100% and was not focused on the outside world. It was so nice to have unlimited time with my children, to have a more relaxed schedule, and to be able to meet with others. We had a lot of playdates, trips  to the library, music class, indoor/outdoor parks, and the childrens museum. It was so great being able to be fully there for my children and to be a part of their whole day. Adjusting to two has come with its challenges and it has been nice to hear from others that I appear to be a calm parent. That is my goal 99% of the time is to keep my cool and to understand where they are at developmentally. My favorite parts of being back to work have been going to the bathroom and lunch by myself. Can I get an Amen from the moms out there? But I know already that time goes fast when you have little ones and that there will be a day when they don't want to hang out with you 24/7 and then you will miss those moments. So I am choosing to embrace motherhood with its ups downs and everything in between. My goal in this blog is to share moments I have with my kids/family as well as how I balance being a working mom.
So back to the fishin in the toilet story......
I normally always have the door closed to the bathroom. I went to change Scarlett and then I hear water hitting the floor. I race to the bathroom to find Addy using her bathroom water cups in the toilet just scooping out the water onto the floor. I was horrified to see all of the water on the floor and to see Addy playing with toilet water. Trying to keep my cool I remembered that she is at a curious stage developmentally and that she does not know its wrong to play in toilet water. I also remembered that I did not shut the door to prevent this time. So I cleaned up the water and explained to Addy that the toilet water is icky and that we can use those cups in the bath only. It would have been sooo easy to lose my cool and to get upset but after thinking through this time I learned that it is better to use this as a teachable moment instead of a upsetting time.
So you just never know as a mom what will happen:)
Until next time,

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